MERSINA (Turkey)

Mersina (in Turk " Mersin ") is built in the location of the Roman city of Pompeipolis some ruins of which remain. It seems that the site was occupied of very long date and at least since the Hittite period (XIII ° century A. C.).
In XIX ° century, the port had become an industrial and commercial rather important area, what justified the choice which made the company of the Shipping companies establish a stopover on the line of liners there connecting Alexandria in Constantinople via the ports of Syria.

An office of distribution was opened to the end of August 1852; It was converted in office of direction in the neighborhood of 1891. Again, office of distribution in 1911, It was closed in August, 1914. (Robert Dessert source)

Letter of MERSINA cancelled GC 5092 for Beyrout
